The POT package aims to provide operational tools to analyze POT. This package relies on the EVT to model the tail of any continuous distribution. Tail modelling, in particular POT modelling, is of great importance for many financial and environmental applications.

The POT package was first committed to the CRAN in April 2005 and is still in active development.The main motivation was to provide practical tools for probabilistic modelling of high flood flows. However, the strength of the EVT is that results do not depend on the process to be modelled. Thus, one can use the POT package to analyze precipitations, floods, financial times series, earthquakes and so on...


The POT package can perform univariate and bivariate extreme value analysis; first order Markov chains can also be considered. For instance, the (univariate) GPD is currently fitted using 18 estimators. These estimators rely on three different techniques:

Contrary to the univariate case, there is no finite parametrisation to model bivariate exceedances over thresholds. The POT packages allows 6 parametrisation for the bivariate GPD: the logistic, negative logistic and mixed models - with their respective asymmetric counterparts.

Lastly, first order Markov chains can be fitted using the bivariate GPD for the joint distribution of two consecutive observations.

Screen Shots

POT screen shots

The POT Package in a Few Lines

In this section, we explicit some of the most useful function of the package. However, for a full description, users may want to have a look to the package vignette and the html help of the package.

GPD Computations:

GPD Fitting

##Maximum likelihood estimate (threshold = 0):
mle <- fitgpd(x, 0) Estimator: MLE
Deviance: 115.4406
AIC: 119.4406

Varying Threshold: FALSE

Threshold Call: 0
Number Above: 50
Proportion Above: 1

scale shape
1.24924 -0.06813

##Probability Weighted Moments:
pwu <- fitgpd(x, 0, "pwmu") Estimator: PWMU

Varying Threshold: FALSE

Threshold Call: 0
Number Above: 100
Proportion Above: 1

scale shape
0.9714 0.1837

##Maximum Goodness-of-Fit estimators:
adr <- fitgpd(x, 0, "mgf", stat = "ADR") Estimator: MGF
Statistic: ADR

Varying Threshold: FALSE

Threshold Call: 0
Number Above: 100
Proportion Above: 1

scale shape
0.9438 0.1938

Optimization Information
Convergence: successful
Function Evaluations: 21
Gradient Evaluations: 10

##Specifying a known parameter:
fitgpd(x, 0, "mple", shape = 0.2) Estimator: MPLE

Penalized Deviance: 231.0240
Penalized AIC: 233.0240

Varying Threshold: FALSE

Threshold Call: 0
Number Above: 100
Proportion Above: 1


##Specifying starting values for numerical optimizations:
fitgpd(x, 0, "mdpd", start = list(scale = 1, shape = 0.2)) Estimator: MDPD

Varying Threshold: FALSE

Threshold Call: 0
Number Above: 100
Proportion Above: 1

scale shape
0.9693 0.1809

Optimization Information
Convergence: successful
Function Evaluations: 8
Gradient Evaluations: 5

##Fit a bivariate GPD with a logistic dependence:
log <- fitbvgpd(y, c(0,10), "log") Call: fitbvgpd(data = y, threshold = c(0, 10), model = "log")
Estimator: MLE
Dependence Model and Strenght:
Model : Logistic
lim_u Pr[ X_1 > u | X_2 > u] = 0.063
Deviance: 489.5613
AIC: 499.5613

Marginal Threshold: 0 10
Marginal Number Above: 100 100
Marginal Proportion Above: 1 1


##Generic function for the univariate and bivariate cases:
plot(mle); Generic univariate plot plot(log) Generic bivariate plot
##Return level plots:
retlev(mle, npy = 2); Univariate return level plot retlev(log) Bivariate return level plot
##Probability-Probability and Q-Q plots:
pp(mle); qq(mle) PP and QQ-plots
##Plot the density:
dens(mle) Univariate denstiy plot
##Plot the Pickands' dependence function:
pickdep(log) Pickands' dependance function
##Spectral density plot:
specdens(log) Spectral density plot
##Profile Likelihood (quantiles):
confint(mle, prob = 0.95) Profile likelihood
##Profile Likelihood (parameters):
confint(mle, "scale"); confint(mle, "shape") Profile likelihood


We have written a package vignette to help new users. This user's guide is a part of the package - just run vignette(POT) once the package is loaded.
For a quick overview, one can have a look at the R News (7):1 (2OO7) article or by running the univariate and bivariate demos - i.e. demo(POT) and demo(bvPOT).

Contribute to the Project

If you are interested in joining the project, you must first create an R-forge account. Then, just go here.


Any suggestions, feature requests, bugs: select the appropriate tracker
Author: Mathieu Ribatet; Maintainer: Christophe Dutang.

$LastChangedDate: 2016-11-06 14:59 +0100$

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